How Livewire Helped
Envera Health
Bolster Its Tech and Turn
Down Its Chatter

So Three Clients Walk Into a Call Center...

When Envera Health moved operations from an office building in the suburbs to an old tobacco warehouse downtown, they increased the cool factor but upped the noise level. It was important for Envera Health to showcase tech talent to clients who visit the space, but equally important to maintain a healthy volume level in the call center where patient engagement is key.

“Sound was our biggest challenge. We are an open-concept office with high ceilings. You get a lot of echo and sound travel.”
– Robert Johnson, Team Lead – IT Network Administration

commercial space

Talk Talk Talk

Keeping the noise level to a healthy volume was crucial for their space. Livewire employed sound dampening techniques to bring the chatter down to a reasonable volume.

Making a Great First Impression

You know what they say about first impressions… Livewire used tech to create a welcoming display for every visitor and client.

It’s Not Brain Surgery

It can get a little confusing when you have multiple tech in multiple places for multiple uses. Lucky for Envera, we made controlling the displays as easy as pie.